Monday 24 February 2014

Black Night

Boss called

"Find Krebs. Kill him."
Any leads?


Ah, always a girl somewhere.

Her name is Krista.

All I get.

Information is sparse,

But any is good.

Krebs’ girl,

Works at Café Moretti,

5` 6" brunette,

High heels,

Wears red or black.

Hot day.

Stuck in a doorway,



Spot her.

Red dress,

Buck teeth.

She turns into the café.


Got an ass like two bunnies in a sack.

Small firm and always in motion.

Sneak out of the doorway,

Into café,


Order coffee.

Must be my lucky day,

Krista brings it.

Slops it down on the table.

I smile,

She growls.

"I know you?"

"Doubt it"

"Then stop being fresh"

She turns and shows her bunnies.

Hell do they move !

Listen to the waitress banter.

Learn Krista is on till 10pm.

Getting picked up by her 'beau'.

Her word not mine,

Slimy crap ridden troll is mine.

Finish coffee,

Pay and leave,

Go back to watching,


The heat turns sour and the rain starts.

It is 10 pm.

Dark city streets.

Thunderous rain,

Cooled the hot sidewalks.

Steam rose.

Stood in a doorway,



For Krebs.

Huge mountain of a man,



My job to watch,





I am viral,


So is Krebs.

Rain drips like cold snot from my brow.

I am small,

And very wet.

He is huge.

Growing all the time.





But not this time,

He will be mine,

To have,


To hold,


In a final embrace

That will kill one of us.

But first

I need to wait

For him to emerge.

To be fallable.

To be vulnerable.

So I can act.

Then we will dance,

Into hell.

The doors to the cafe swung open.

She walked out.

Krebs’ moll.

Buck teeth leading,

Ass following.

Red dress.

High heels that clacked as she walked.

Casually tossing the cigarette,

She crosses the road

Then she stops,

Looks over her shoulder and screams.

I never heard the car,

Big, black murderous looking.


I saw what it did.

The girl was lifted into the air, 

Thrown like garbage onto the sidewalk.

Behind the wheel was a figure I knew well.


But why?

Why kill your own woman?

Then it hit me,

Of course Krebs has no friends

They are all fodder for his lonely life,

To be used then discarded.

I needed to be careful,

Though I was no friend.

If a friend was treated in such a way....

Krebs used anyone and everyone to get his kicks

Nobody really mattered to him

He was dangerous,


And here, now.

Why me, you ask

Well just the man for the job, I suppose.



Hard working,

Cheap, but …

Always a winner.

Talk them all to death with a hug that never stops.

I was made for this work,

Made to kill.

Born from the heads of better men,

Synthesized to eradicate slime.

And with modesty, I am damn good at it,

Never failed,


Old style,








Works every time.

Much better than the old way of cut and slash,

More subtle,

More effective,

More deadly.

I live to kill those who need to die,

I always win.

My name?

Just call me Frank.

Gotta go,

I smell a death nearby.

Krista laid on the floor like a puddle of offal.

Arms in odd places,

Legs too.

Aww and those poor bunnies, smashed beyond repair.

Shame liked them her.

A screech of tyres was all the warning I got.

Blinded by light.

Cannot see.

Feel the closeness of the car,

Tensed all my muscles and jumped.

Felt the hot metal pass beneath me,

Saw the face,

Saw the face of death

And that grin,

The one that says "you're mine"

Hmm, not quite Krebs,

Not quick enough.

The scowl flashed my way as Krebs looked back.

You could feel the heat of his anger.

He never saw the wall,

Too busy scowling at me,

Poor bastard.

Metal folded like paper,

Fluids sprayed,



And red.

I sighed,

Perhaps this was my moment.

Was he really so stupid,

Killed in an auto smash.

Cautiously I approached the wreck,

I could smell petrol,



And blood.

I could see white leather seats,

Sprayed with crimson,

Shattered windshield,

Crumpled folded doors.

Krebs had gone,


Then I heard the drip,

Unmistakeable sound,

One I knew well,

The sound of flesh dripping off a body.

The sound of…


I spun around

Eyes everywhere,



Trying to see him,

Hidden in the rain.

Where the hell was he?

I was still asking the question as I flew.

Told you Krebs was big, strong too.

He had come from the shadows,

Picked me up like a doll,

Flung me across the street.

I landed nose to brick,

Shook myself back to sense and focus,

Watched as he came towards me,

Struggled to get up and face him.

Time to dance.

I had fought Krebs many times

He always got away.

He used molls like Krista

To spread his vile seed,

But I was winning the war.

Tracked all his spawn

Thanks to Krista and her kind

Just got the main man to go.

Last fight.

Last battle,

But there will be more wars.

New wars.

Time to concentrate.

Krebs loped towards me,

Flailing his oversized fists like jack hammers.

I ducked and came inside his arms.

I managed to grab him.

Drove my fingers deep into his putrid flesh.

Pumped my poison into him.

Yeah I am lethal, got all sorts of tricks in my bag.

Krebs shuddered as the poison seeped into him.

This was my time,

Time to watch him die.

He sagged onto the sidewalk,

I held him tight.

Fingers deep inside him,

Feeling for his center,

His soul,

I touched it, squeezed it.

My poison flooded his soul.

He collapsed, breathing slowing,

Flesh melting as he died.

I stood over the pool of putrescence.

Once a miasma of proteins and amino acids,

Dissolved, broken down and now dead.

I prodded it with my foot towards a drain.

Watched it slither into the dark of hell.

Krebs was gone,


It's a dirty job,

But someone has to do it.

And that would be me,


Friday 21 February 2014


Fungus creeps around the brain, 

Deep into the cortex moulds.

Fully formed it seeps and crawls, 

Creating chaos, bumps and falls,

Into a pit of discontent, 

Within yon shadows badly rent,

Memories drift from cell to cell, 

Like Dante, dripping into hell.

No way back as function fails.

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Two Hearts

Two hearts beat within one shell,

One fast, one slow, in sympathy.

Conjoined they hum to bring life to bear,

Yet need one breath to live.

All life they share,

Yet each lives its own,

Content to swell together.

Soon these hearts must live apart,

But will be bound by other ties,

Bindings none will ever part.